Reenacting Science: Bruno Latour at SCIENCE GALLERY

A far more digestible insight into Latour’s current thinking than his excellent Gifford lectures. Outlines his view of how science and politics may need to merge in view of the threat posed by climate change denial, how he relates to Peter Sloterdijk’s thoughts on envelopes etc and how these may relate to 21st century art in resepect to work by artists such as Tomas Saraceno.

Donna Haraway: “From Cyborgs to Companion Species”


Donna Haraway presented her lecture as the 2003-2004 Avenali Chair in the Humanities at the Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley. Haraway is a prominent theorist of the relationships between people and machines, and her work has incited debate in fields as varied as primatology, philosophy, and developmental biology. Haraway’s The Cyborg Manifesto, first published in 1985, is now taught in undergraduate classes at countless universities and has been reprinted or translated in numerous anthologies in North America, Japan, and Europe.

Gemma Anderson

See images from the Isomorphology project she did with the Grant, and download the Catalogue with foreword by Chiara Ambrosio

“I work with the theme of Morphology and Drawing as parallel dynamic processes, exploring intuitive and experimental drawing methodologies. My key questions are about: how can we understand form and formative processes through drawing And, what contribution can the artist make – representationally, analytically, in terms of interpretation and critique– to the advancement of knowledge of the natural world through drawing, especially drawing effected in collaboration with scientific practices and instrumentation.”

She has also worked with a mathematician at Imperial

Topographies of a Nested Soul

DSC06372 merging 3

A meditation on Information Philosophy, graph theory, and the four humors.

Thanks Christiana for the invite to perform at Vanishing Entities. It was great to test out the live drawing and projection. Thanks to Roderick for volunteering to read the text… it was a suitably disruptive reading! See documentation here.

Thanks to Paul, Leonie and Karen for documenting it. Hopefully full video to appear at some point in the near future… Karen?